
The Executive’s GPS: Unlocking your Leadership Potential


The Executive’s GPS: Unlocking your Leadership Potential is a powerful guide to help business executives unlock and advance their leadership potential. This book offers an in-depth look at the various aspects of effective leadership and leadership development. It is full of case studies and practical exercises that help readers to understand and hone their leadership skills. Additionally, this book gives executives the tools to become better leaders who can lead their teams to success.

The Executive’s GPS: Unlocking your Leadership Potential is highly recommended for business executives of all levels. It is full of useful advice and guidance which can be implemented in any business environment. The tips, exercises and tools provided in the book are invaluable for any executive looking to maximize their leadership skills.

The Benefits Of Leadership Development

The Executive’s GPS: Unlocking your Leadership Potential provides a comprehensive approach to leadership development. It focuses on both the cognitive abilities needed to be successful as a leader as well as the social, emotional and character traits which are equally important to success. This book emphasizes the importance of being able to assess and develop one’s own leadership skills and abilities. It outlines the importance of developing a sense of self-awareness, understanding constituencies and stakeholders, making sound decisions, and developing a long-term strategic plan.

In addition to this, The Executive’s GPS: Unlocking your Leadership Potential explores the importance of resilience, emotional intelligence, and understanding team dynamics. It also outlines the importance of creating a supportive work environment. This book gives managers the knowledge and tools to become better leaders who can effectively lead their teams to success.

Content Of The Book

The Executive’s GPS: Unlocking your Leadership Potential consists of 12 chapters. The chapters are divided into four distinct sections: Leadership Fundamentals, Building Your Leadership Toolbox, Effective Team Management, and Building a Sustainable Organisation.

The Leadership Fundamentals section provides executives with a comprehensive overview of the various facets of effective leadership. It covers topics such as understanding and managing relationships, setting and communicating expectations, shaping behaviour, managing conflict, and creating an ethical workplace.

The Building Your Leadership Toolbox section explores the tools needed for success. It discusses how to develop a personal leadership philosophy and provides practical tips on how to craft a vision, create a captivating mission statement, set direction, and articulate values. It also offers guidance in understanding people, conflict resolution, decision-making, and developing emotional intelligence.

The Effective Team Management section delves into the importance of creating a supportive work environment. It provides practical advice on how to build trust with employees, manage teams, and understand and resolve conflicts.

The Building a Sustainable Organisation section focuses on developing a strategy for long-term success. It discusses topics such as understanding stakeholders, building a flexible organisational culture, and understanding the impact of technology.


The Executive’s GPS: Unlocking your Leadership Potential is an invaluable guide for executives of all levels. It is full of useful advice and guidance which can be implemented in any business. The exercises and tools provided in the book are invaluable for any executive looking to maximize their leadership skills and develop long-term strategies for success.