Just quit It….

Just quit it …. making decisions based solely on the opinions of others

How many of us are guilty of making a decision based on the opinion of others? I will raise my own hand to that one! But how many of us are doing it too often? Going against your gut instinct and following someone else’s map of the world.

All too often when you have a strong gut feeling but end up following through because of external opinions it turns out that you should of gone with your gut in the first place. After all your gut is a brain (as is your heart)

Now I’m not saying be selfish and just do everything you think is right and then see what happens – that probably wouldn’t turn out very well either. My point today is to highlight to you how often you may or may not be allowing other people’s opinions effect you in a negative way.

The joyful thing about them being other people’s opinions is that you’re in full control over how they affect your state. You can allow yourself to be taken down someone else’s path or you can take onboard their opinion/advice then use what you need from it and ensure that you’re remaining on your own path but perhaps with some extra resources that will enable you to better yourself and situations.

For example, me writing this blog is because not because anyone suggested or tried to persuade me to do so. I am doing it because I wanted to give myself a challenge, for some writing a blog everyday may not be a challenge. But for me it is something I have never done before and something I wanted to give me best shot.

Had I asked friends before hand, a few may of asked “what’s the point” and tried to talk me down. Then I would be on a path that is not one that I set out but one that has been torn up and resurfaced by someone else. (Like when you see really dodgy road works, it’s the same road you’ve been driving on but someone has added a plaster that will start to show gaps in the road after a short time)

That may not make sense to some but it may make sense to you!

So spend a few moments to reflect, are there certain things in your life that perhaps you’re doing because of someone else’s opinion? If you stopped doing it a certain way and follow your gut what would happen? Sometimes there will be short term sacrifice for long term gain – and that’s what it comes down to.

Play the long game not the short and start making decisions….

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