Why do companies de-value their employees?

Let’s be real here, of course not ALL companies de-value their employees but a heck of alot of them do.


Firstly, how many companies really know their employee’s values? How many of them take the time in interview stage AND throughout the whole employment time to know and check in with the values.

Values can change – alot of people don’t realise that. But the values you had at 15 are going to be different to the ones you have now and the ones you have now will be different to the ones you will have in another 3,5 and 10 years.

For me, working with companies on their values and then, in turn, their employee’s values is always incredibly interesting. You see the real purpose come out of people, the reasons why they do certain things – even the reason why they want this job.

When was the last time you checked in with yourself in terms of your values and beliefs? Questioned yourself in terms of why you are doing certain things… or perhaps not doing certain things.

Personally, I do this process with myself every 3 months. By doing this it really allows me to stay on track, stay focused and stay humble. The more I am in check with myself the more I achieve.

So imagine if companies adopted this as well, just imagine the increase in productivity, engagement with customers, relationship with clients and in turn the whole feel of the offices.

So why are they not doing this?

I have done some research on this, spoken to HR people and head of departments. The MASSIVE problem I have seen is the fact that just reading a book or going on a quick “how to engage with your staff course” is not enough. Reading books and creating workbooks doesn’t tie into your staff on an emotional level, on the level that REALLY creates change for the better.

The way to create real change is to create a long-term solution. This means implementing changing in your hiring method (interview process), changes in your reward system, changes in your review process and basically changing and ADOPTING a new way of thinking.

There is no magic wand here, this takes time. But feelings of change will be felt straight away by the people who matter the most… your staff.

So if you want to start making changes for the better within your company, no matter how big or small it is. Get in touch with me and we can create a bespoke solution for you and your business!

Work on your core values, find people who relate to these and visa-versa and build a team around you that support the business for growth and success.

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