
Level Up Your Leadership Skills In 5 Simple Steps

1. Communicate Authentically

Communication is key for effective leadership. Authentically communicate your vision and mission to the team, so that everyone is on the same page. Be sure to clearly explain why things are important and illustrate examples to help reinforce the message. Additionally, open communication is important to ensure everyone feels that their voice is heard. Ask questions, and stay open to feedback. Being able to communicate your message and actively listen to others creates a productive atmosphere, and grounds trust between employees and management.

Be sure to also practice active listening and provide positive reinforcement when someone offers valuable input. Reinforce the behaviors and results that you want to see and reward the team for successful projects. This encourages motivated work, and reinforces the respect necessary for successful leadership.

2. Set Clear Goals

Have a clear understanding of your goals and objectives, and clearly articulate them to team members. They should be attainable and manageable, giving direction and an achievable focus. Setting attainable goals also instills a sense of accomplishment in employees. Additionally, be sure to include deadlines and assign tasks to team members accordingly.

When employees can verify their progress easily, they will feel encouraged and be more productive in their roles. Be sure to pass on detailed instructions, and provide enough detail so that everyone understands the process. Having a clear understanding of the tasks at hand will make it easier to get the job done.

3. Mentor Your Team

Leaders can enrich their team’s growth and development by acting as mentors. Take into consideration the strengths of each employee, as well as any potential areas of improvement. Establish positive relationships with team members, and provide resources to support their development. By taking on this supportive role, employees will learn skills that will benefit them in the long run, helping them to achieve success.

You can also have emergent mentorship, which encourages employees to be more engaged in finding solutions to problems together. This type of learning allows employees to practice the skills they learn, while still having the guidance of a mentor.

4. Show Empathy

Being an effective leader also means being empathetic. Show that you understand the issues faced by the team, and validate their feelings. Showing that you understand the individual members of your team will create stronger relationships, and inspire your team to work towards common goals.

You can also have an “open door” policy for when team members need to discuss any concerns. This can be in the form of monthly one-on-one meetings, or welcoming feedback in a group setting. Showing your team members that you care about their thoughts and feelings will also help them to feel more secure and comfortable approaching you.

5. Lead by Example

Leaders show their most effective skills by demonstrating it in their own behavior. Model the behavior that you want to see in your team, and practice the values that you want your team to adopt. Remember that your team is looking to you for motivation, direction, and inspiration so act accordingly.

Leading by example also builds trust with your team members. Show that you are invested in their success, and take the initiative to stay organized during difficult projects. Doing so will create an environment of success and inspire confidence in the team.


Leadership is a skill that requires trust between team members and management. By leading with authentic communication, setting attainable goals, mentoring your team, showing empathy, and leading by example, you can take your leadership skills to a higher level. Doing so will foster an environment of success and help you to build strong relationships with your team.